About Us

With D2D Evangelism my aim is to encourage the work of outreach to peoples homes by providing a focus for those in local churches that are willing to engage in this work, and as the Lord enables us, to support full-time and self-employed evangelists who will be at the disposal of such local churches as may call upon them.

There are certain declared principles under which I have been led to operate:

  1. That all may be to done to the glory of God alone.
  2. The D2D work shall be kept to the minimum for efficient use of the resources given to the work by the Lord’s people.
  3. Evangelism is primarily the work of the local church and D2DE exists to support and enable that work.
  4. All who join in the work of D2DE must declare themselves to be committed to the Gospel of Grace; acknowledging that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, through the finished work of Christ alone.
  5. All in the leadership, staff or full-time workers must be wholeheartedly in agreement with D2DE’s Statement of Faith.

If you are interested in helping to promote this work or to take any part in it – please go to the Contact Page and get it touch with me.

Tim Serjeant

If you wish to support the work by regular, one-off or irregular gifts/donations you can do so by  via my Stewardship Individual Partner Account. For further details: Go to the Stewardship Giving Page.